Research paper: T. Watari et al. (2024), Net-zero embodied carbon in buildings with today’s available technologies, Environmental Science & Technology, 58, 4, 1793-1801
Research paper: Suzuki et al (2024). Global discharge of microplastics from mechanical recycling of plastic waste. Environmental Pollution, 348, 123855.
Research paper: Koide et al. (2023), Agent-based model for assessment of multiple circular economy strategies: Quantifying product-service diffusion, circularity, and sustainability, Resources, Conservation & Recycling 199, 107216.
Research paper: Koide et al. (2023), Circular business cannibalization: A hierarchical Bayes conjoint analysis on reuse, refurbishment, and subscription of home appliances, Journal of Cleaner Production 422, 138580.
Research paper: Kobayashi, T., Kuramochi, H. (2023) Catalytic pyrolysis of biomass using fly ash leachate to increase carbon monoxide production and improve biochar properties to accelerate anaerobic digestion, Bioresource Technology, 387, 129583.
Research paper: Koide et al. (2025) Who is self-committed to climate action? Exploring decarbonisation actions and target gaps using carbon footprint calculator data in Japan. Energy Research & Social Science, 120, 103930.
Research paper: Guida et al. (2023), Homologue Composition of Technical Chlorinated Paraffins Used in Several Countries over the Last 50 Years─ SCCPs Are Still Out There, Environ. Sci. Technol., 57, 13136.
Research paper: Matsukami et al. (2024), Impact of tightening environmental regulations against long-chain perfluoroalkyl acids on composition of durable water repellents containing side-chain fluorinated polymers, Science of the Total Environment, 940, 173708.