Research paper: T. Watari et al. (2024), Net-zero embodied carbon in buildings with today’s available technologies, Environmental Science & Technology, 58, 4, 1793-1801
Research paper: Suzuki et al (2024). Global discharge of microplastics from mechanical recycling of plastic waste. Environmental Pollution, 348, 123855.
Research paper: Nakayama (2025) Impact of settling and resuspension on plastic dynamics during extreme flow and their seasonality in global major rivers, Hydrological Processes, 30, e70072.
Research paper: Nakayama and Osako (2024), Plastic trade-off: Impact of export and import of waste plastic on plastic dynamics in Asian region, Ecological Modelling, 489, 110624.
Research paper: Nakayama (2024) Evaluation of flux and fate of plastic in terrestrial-aquatic-estuarine continuum by using an advanced process-based model, Ecohydrology, 17(6), e2678.
Research paper: Koide et al. (2025) Who is self-committed to climate action? Exploring decarbonisation actions and target gaps using carbon footprint calculator data in Japan. Energy Research & Social Science, 120, 103930.
Research paper: Nakayama (2024) Impact of global major reservoirs and lakes on plastic dynamics by using a process-based eco-hydrology model, Lakes & Reservoirs: Science, Policy and Management for Sustainable Use, 29, e12463.
Research paper: Matsukami et al. (2024), Impact of tightening environmental regulations against long-chain perfluoroalkyl acids on composition of durable water repellents containing side-chain fluorinated polymers, Science of the Total Environment, 940, 173708.